Д-р Гёран Г. Хельгасон - один из самых опытных и талантливых шведских врачей Европы. Он освоил все дисциплины в области глазной хирургии и имеет более чем 20-летний опыт работы. Он сам установил себе ICL.
1984 Medical exam, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
1986 M. D./Licenced Medical Practitioner, the National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden.
1991 Specialist in ophthalmology, National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden.
1987-1990 Resident/registrar, Dep’t of Ophthalmology, Sahlgrens University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.
1991-1998 Senior registrar, Dep’t of Ophthalmology, Sahlgrens University Hospital, Gothenburg. Anterior segment surgeon since 1992.
1996 - ongoing Consultant, Medocular and Capio Eye Clinics (private practice), mainly doing cataract and refractive surgery – PRK, LASEK, LASIK, AK/LRI, CLE/RLE/Multifocals, ICL/PRL and Intacs.
2001 - ongoing International course instructor* and medical advisor, IS Surgical and Alcon Laboratories.
2007 - ongoing Medical Director, Capio Medocular, Sweden.
Consultant surgeon, Advanced Vision Care, London.
Flashed the pattern-induced activity in the visual system: I. The short latency evoked response recorded from the cat visual cortex.
Acta Physiol Scand 1991,143 (With A. Sjöström, M. Abrahamsson, K. Norsell, and A. Roos).
Design, calibration and testing of a laser flare meter.
Applied optics 1994; 33:2611-19 (With A-K, Holmér, A. Tönjum, and S. Hard).
Clinical outcomes of a new extended range of vision IOL: The international multicentrer concerto study.
Considered for publication in the Journal of Refractive Surgery.
Measurement of aqueous flare with a new laser flare meter. Clinical applications in uveitis patients
3 rd International Symposium on Uveitis, Brussels, 1992
(With K. Norsell, A-K, Holmér, and A. Tönjum)
Aqueous flare in normal eyes and eyes with cataract or intraocular lenses measured with a new laser flare meter & Design and calibration of a laser flare meter
Sixth meeting of the International Society of Ocular Fluorophotometry, Brussels, 1992 (With A-K, Holmér, S. Fierce, and A. Tönjum)
Shortlatenzy the occipital response to flashed the pattern VER stimuli in visually normal and amblyopic and cataractous children
International Society for the Clinic Electrophysiology of Vision XXX Symposium, Vienna, 1992. (With M. Abrahamsson, A. Sjöström)
In-vivo calibration of a new laser flare meter.
XXXI Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology, Gothenburg, 1993 (With K. Norsell)
The BEARS Toric IOL - a clinical study
XVIth Congress of the ESCRS, Nice 1998
ICL for the correction of myopia and hyperopia in clinical practice
5th ESCRS Winter Refractive Surgery Meeting, Cannes, 2001
Aberrations after implantation of phakic IOLs
7 th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Rome, 2003
International Experience with the ICL
CME symposium, Phakic IOLs, AAO, Anaheim, California 2003
Phakic IOLs: the Anterior chamber or sulcus? and CLE or phakic lens: How, when, why? Round table discussions
Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Belgium, 2005
Incidence of lens opacification with low vault ICL
International ICL Experts Symposium, ESCRS, Portugal, 2005
Optimizing refractive surgery
16th Scientific Meeting: The Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand, 2005
The refractive surgeon who became a refractive patient
Dead Sea Conference, Israel, 2005
The Toric ICL – from indications the two outcome
Instructional course, ESCRS, Sweden 2007
Presbyopic Surgery Mix & Match or Pure & Simple
IIIC Meeting, Sweden 2007
The risk of developing cataract with low ICL vault KNOWN in the Nordic Congress of Ophthalmlogy, Norway 2008
Nordic Experience with the Restor +3
Norwegian Ophthalmic Society, Norway 2008
RLE with the Restor +3
Baltic Cataract Club, Vilnius 2010
Early Nordic Experience with the Restor Toric
Nordic RLE Meeting, Copenhagen 2010
Toric Intraocular Lenses in clinical practice
Alcon Infinity Club, Stockholm 2011
Toric Hyperopic Visian ICL, is it different?
ARE the 8th International Experts Symposium, Vienna 2011
The New Restor Family
Polish Catarct and Refractive Society Meeting, during the ESCRS, Milan 2012
Early Experience with the Restor +2.5
Nordic RLE Meeting, Oslo 2012
Choice of multifocal IOL's
Finnish Medical Optical Society Meeting, 2013
Diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses
Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology, Stockholm 2014
Multifocal IOL's: Alternative and personal experience
Swedish Ophthalmological Society, Stockholm 2015
Has the implantation of Phakic IOL's an advantage of Laser Vision Correction?
National Polish Ophthalmological Society, Ossa 2015